EVA AVI-YONAH, née Boyko, 1921 in Vienna, Austria, to Dr. Hugo and Dr. Elisabeth Boyko, scientists. Familiy immigrated 1936 to Palestine. Finished Art Academy ‘Bezalel” under Mordechai Ardon. First marriage to silversmith Hans Rawinsky, after her divorce lived in Nahariya on the northern Coast of Israel, with some local exhibitions. Further studies in Paris (1949-51), under Neo-classicist Souverbie and in the studio of Fernand Leger. After her return to Israel taught art in schools and to adults. Publications in art pedagogical magazines. Exhibited with others in Haifa and Nahariya. 1955 second marriage to archaeologist and art historian Michael Avi-Yonah and return to Jerusalem. 1956 exhibited in the Artist’s House in Jerusalem. Wrote and illustrated two  children’s books (Hebrew), published by “Am Hasefer”.


   1964 won a competition for the design of a mosaic decoration of the Sprinzak building on the campus of the Hebrew University. In collaboration with her husband she drew up the plans and architectual designs for the model of Jerusalem at the time of the Second Temple on the grounds of the Holyland Hotel in Jerusalem (1965-67). (Click for details on web).

Accompanying her husband on his travels she took the opportunity to study various sculptural techniques, stone carving and lead-encased plaster in Rome under Fazzini and Poidimani, wood carving uder William Wheeler in London and bronze casting with Erich Koch in Munich. 1970 she had a one woman exhibition in mixed media at the Engel gallery in Jerusalem.


   After her husband’s death she inscribed at the Hebrew University in philosophy and the history of art. Wrote her M.A. thesis “Limits” on  the subject of a definition of art in the light of twentieth century limiting cases (Duchamp, Yves Klein, etc.). Her doctoral dissertation (1995), “Abstraction and Latent Meaning”, shows subconscious influences in our Western responses to fugure reprensatiion, some of these having their roots in events from long past historical events, others even in beliefs from prehistoric times.

Took up painting again and had two recent exhibitions of oil paintings (2000 and 2001) at the Nora Gallery and in the Jerusalem Artist’s House.


Her residence and studio: 15 Bialik Street, Jerusalem, Israel. 

Telephone: +972 2 6435 402, Please click to send email. 


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